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la maravillosa historia de henry sugar

the wonderful story of Henry Sugar I’m bored..i don’t want to fuck today for money…let me take you, fuck me on your feet…I couldn’t find the money, my husband froze my account, we’ll sort it out later, but fuck me if I give the conversations….i’m so bored, I’m fucked up.i was hungry, I went to eat on one of the seven hills of Istanbul..sore under my foot…a woman..i see he’s not looking..i’m getting his attention, he’s not interested..he drove me crazy..the woman took out a cigarette to light it I was so angry that I put my zipper on the floor and sent it to her desk with a kick.he was intrigued, bent down, picked up the zippo, lit it, dropped it into the coke in his glass.the $150 zippo was shit…I he was looking..he drove me crazy, so I told myself I was going to do him…..I put my hand on my dick and woke him he was looking at my dick..I let my shirt down over my pants to avoid Tuesday..I was showing him my dick’s head from under the shirt..account, please!!!at the same time, I shouted die account…i packed up quickly and we left the door with a difference of 30 seconds…he got into his car and I got into my own car..we started the chase..he’s a good driver, but he’s afraid…I jammed the bridge entrance, cut him off..i opened the window, let’s go to me far away in front, follow i gassed up slightly…I looked in the mirror, he signaled and started following me…location doesn’t matter, it’s a place with a is underfoot again..i pulled my car over and started waiting..the prostitute came with a noble soul, beautiful…her car was bigger, I passed chat…no sound…just glances…very creepy and provocative….i took off my belt, clasped his hands and tied them to the handle on the hurt, but he didn’t make a sound..he kicked her when she was about to graze her more move, this time he was going to blow my balls off..I slapped him with a life towel..i got angry, I pressed again…I didn’t get my ambition, I started beating, so if someone hit me with a split, my face would definitely fall apart..the blood remained in the revan..he started to get I cleaned up all the blood on your face by licking it…on the one hand, I’m sticking my fingers into your hot pussy until I get hurt..when I cleaned all the blood, he ejaculated at least 9 times..he was a masochist…I wanted to kiss, he grabbed my lip, took it as a piece of memory…i didn’t want to hit anymore, but he started being predatory like a female panther…I put one foot through the steering wheel gap and the other behind the driver’s seat…imagine the position…he was in so much pain that he left the seat in liquid from ejaculation…first a pet bottle passed into my hand…it was empty, it would curl up, it wouldn’t go in, I thought to die and peed in it…it wasn’t enough, I peed in it…it was full and hard now…it wasn’t slow in the dictionary..with a rush, I stabbed her in the pussy, fluid and blood began to flow together fraternally…I had great pleasure…I grabbed her by the face and started hitting her head against the car window..she was crying but not whimpering…it was obvious that she was in a lot of pain…i was going to give it to her mouth, but I didn’t because I knew what would happen to me…I lifted her up with masturbation…I started stabbing her in the pussy with blood as if someone would stab a knife and you couldn’t take your anger, or I started stabbing her with death…the car was swaying like it was going to tip over…I pulled it out of her pussy, I started throwing it in her face…then I started peeing, I forced open a little and filled her mouth..i covered it with my hand and made him swallow….i collapsed on the sofa…exhausted not from fucking, but from beating..i was covered in sweat…untie me, he said softly..i solved it..he shook his mouth…he leaned towards my dick and wanted to take it in his mouth…I grabbed him by the hair and pulled his face close to my face…i said if you bite, I’ll kill you…he said I’d like it, I was really scared….but I also wanted him to lick…while he was licking calmly, suddenly the expected happened..he trapped it in his teeth…he was biting, but not enough to break it off…I begged…I begged, I cried…he let go..i started to squirm…he lifted me up by my hair, looking at my face as I did, now he said I will heal, don’t whimper…he started sucking again, he was very whiny, but he sucked for exactly 1 hour… when the ache passed, I started to harden..i came out with blood…he said we were even…I was sitting quietly in a land of pleasure that I could no longer understand….he came up on my lap..he opened her hole by putting his hand in her ass…i was holding one hand and holding the steering wheel with the other, he was managing everything…kissing me on the one hand, and on the other hand, he was running to the top just by moving his hip….it stuck so hard to my lip that I was breathless….when I came, he was still jumping like a gangru…eventually he came and lay on me…he tilted the seat with a lunge and we lay dead for a long time…he got up, looked at my face, said I never want to see you again…I said why..he said I hate addiction…now get out and forget about this day…ewden bought my belongings like a discarded tenant and moved to my arbam…07.08.2006 at 03:48….I’m getting into the shower exhausted…blood is pouring out of me everywhere..but I can’t stop thinking about him…I don’t think he’ll walk around this site, but I’ll take my chances…

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