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nsfw anlamı Hello. Based on the stories I have read, I will tell you about the sex I had with my brother Onur. First of all, I was very horny at that age and I was constantly trying to satisfy myself by fingering my vagina. But it was in vain that somehow a man had to touch my body.

I couldn’t do anything with anyone out of embarrassment after all that searching. I am a person with short red hair, medium height, plump build and dressed openly. I had a petite type and there were a lot of men after me. But I didn’t approach any of them easily because I knew their intentions. Actually, I’m dying of horny, but sleeping with no one was not the solution. Because my name was going to come out, and I found the solution in my brother. My horny teenage brother was only 17 years old and I was 21. One day I came home early and my brother was in his room. I saw the girls watching in the window and I went in without saying anything. Then he noticed me coming and left the room. So I was slowly taking off my clothes and I was wearing only a bra and shorts. My brother stayed looking at me and I saw that his dick was up. So I said the perfect opportunity and went to him. I said what are you doing approaching him. The room stuttered and said nothing at all. Then I went into his room and lay down on the bed. He came up behind me and I said come closer. I pulled her over me in an instant and her head came up on my breasts. It was fucking touching my legs. What did he say when I told him to start. I held his dick and he understood. My brother, who was dying of horny, pulled down my shorts and stuck his cock in. He began to sting excitedly. He came right away and started fucking for the second time. He managed to bring me pleasure, and I was enjoying it very much. He fucked me hard by putting me in various positions. He managed to satisfy me.

When he was fucking me, I asked him how he knew about these positions. The room told me thanks for the pornos. I laughed and kept saying come on. He couldn’t give me full pleasure, but he whipped me into all kinds of shapes. He even pushed me in the ass, but when his dick hurt, he came back to my pussy. He fucked until the evening and I was relieved. I threw off my inner distress and went to my brother when I needed him.


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