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sara jay anal Hello everyone, dear readers of sex stories. My name is actually. I am currently married at the age of 29, a mother of one child. As it comes to mind, I want to share with you a memory that my incest memories swell, that I am aroused by.We were two children of the house, our parents were business people. They work in a private company, their eyes could not see us from working. We spent the most time at home with my brother. There is a 2-year difference between him and Dec. When we experienced this event, we were both individuals who had just entered adolescence. He was 18 at the time, I was 16. I was in that senior year of high school 2nd. In high school, our girls were sick to my brother, so to speak, they were crazy. I was an adolescent girl with blonde hair, green eyes, big hips, bulging breasts with the effect of adolescence. In class with my girlfriends, on our dates, she would pull guys, open porn occasionally, our eyes would see dicks. Dec. Some of my whore friends used to shorten their skirts at school, seduce men. Some people say that they had anal sex from the ass, they would tell us even if we didn’t believe it, and we would get aroused whether he told it or not. My days were spent listening to my friends making love. I’ve never seen a real dick live, and since I was at the same school as my brother, the boyfriend stuff was also a lie, of course. In short, you will understand, my understanding of sex was filled with only the porn I watched, the stories of my friends who were having an affair, my reservoir of information. I had no experience. Sometimes he fights with my brother at home, involuntarily hands my right and left with his hand while fighting Dec, and these gropings drove me crazy.
With the desire of adolescence, I wanted to drive my brother crazy one day.* Mom and Dad were coming from work at 7 pm. We left school at 3 a.m. and went home. I said I was going to take a shower and got my clothes ready. When I enter the bathroom, I have to lock it because the door is defective. If I don’t lock it, the door opens at the slightest touch. While I was in the shower, our cat Burhan pushed the door with his paw, the door was opened to the end, my hair was shampooed, I was straining my body, I was standing. When I opened my eyes, I realized that my brother was watching me. I said, ”What are you looking at, just close the door.” “My daughter is screaming at you to close your door,” he came, closed the door, and I went behind him and locked the door. When I went under the water, I liked that my brother was watching me, I had a smile on my face. While holding the squirt to my body, every time I held it towards my pussy, my insides were moving, I thought of sexuality, I lay down in the bathtub, separated my legs.

I set the fountain to thai water and started holding it to my pussy. As the water gushed into my pussy with tayzik, my insides became strange, I was tickled. I was stroking my pussy to my novice, but nothing gave me as much pleasure as that water hitting my pussy. After holding the water to my pussy for a while, I dried off, put on my underwear, I was just about to wrap myself in a towel, I grabbed the towel and threw it on the floor. He was soaked in water. I unlocked the door and went outside in my underwear. I knocked on the door of my brother’s room.Girl, what is it?Brother, I’m cold, give me a towel from your room.Oh, why don’t you take your towel, I can’t get up, I’m in the game, come in. take happened what I wanted. I opened the door of his room. I was wearing white panties with lace on the front and back, and a thin bra with nipples on me. My brother was buried in the computer, playing games, chatting with his friends, he wasn’t even looking at me. I was nervous. I walked past him, I went, I knew where the towel was, but I don’t know, I took the towel from the closet to lie on his foot and hid it on the side, under the clothes. I wandered towards him; Brother, where can I not find him?My daughter, I don’t know, look, there she is.No brother, of course I’m cold, come look at the rat game.As a matter of fact, his off-guard hit the table and got up from the table. When he got up, he made eye contact with my big thighs, which were curled towards him. He wasn’t talking; Brother, are you coming?Gee, I’m here…
He stammered, snuggled up next to me and started looking for the towel;oh shit, where did you put it?I don’t know, I’m so cold from your towel…I got up from where I was lying and wrapped both hands around my body. Actually, it was hot, there’s no weather to get cold, but it’s always from horny. My brother grabbed the school fleece and covered it over me, his fingers touched my breasts while covering it, I could notice that my brother was looking at my body, at my breasts;brother, have you never seen breasts, what did you look at?He was slightly embarrassed;what’s the point, girl, I’ve seen more of you.I see me with alla alla boobs when I look in the mirror, how will you see it, I wonder?Stay out of it, take the towel I found, go get dressed, don’t get cold.After that, their story: i will share it at and only my followers who are members of my site will be able to read the new sections. He is currently taking new sections on the site. I took the towel from her hand with a puff, went to my room and dried my hair with a towel and got dressed. I dried and straightened my hair, applied my creams, locked my room door, lay down on my bed and stripped off my shorts and panties. I put my moisturizing cream on my pussy lips and started stroking. He dreams of my brother touching my breasts, seeing me in the bathroom, he constantly wants to put my fingers in it while fingering my pussy, but he was afraid that I would spoil my girlhood because I was a girl, I couldn’t. My eyes are caught on my pencils. I took one of them, put the cream on my asshole and started slowly inserting the pen. I didn’t feel anything at first, he grabbed it from the tip of the pen, and when he started inserting and removing it all, I felt for the first time that there was something inside me. I was putting it in and taking it out as if it were a dick. But I couldn’t enjoy it. I grabbed the pen and threw it away. I pulled my shorts on and got dressed and left my room. I spent the evening watching TV, waiting for my parents to arrive. That’s how the day ended.It was in the morning, we were going to school. My brother couldn’t wake up as usual, I went to wake him up in his room,Brother, let’s get ready, brother, I’m tired of it, but it’s the same thing every morning.When I pulled the sheet he was covering himself with, the front of his shorts was puffed up, something was staring at me. When my brother was stretching, he opened his legs, his dick was visible in his shorts. When I was thinking about who knows how thick, how big, I was wondering, I poked my brother again, I poked him in the arms, it was said to get up, stop or something.

I put his hand on the abdominal area, said get up, come on, get up, and while pulling my hand, I deliberately touched his dick. He was hard as a stone. I woke him up even though it was difficult, when I went to my room and prepared my books, he came to my room already dressed.Come on, I’m ready, the service has arrived.I’m here, I’m here.We went downstairs and got on the school bus, and when I got to school, my perverted girlfriends were looking into my brother’s eyes, laughing, saying good morning. I was jealous of my brother. On the school’s basketball team, he was a blond-haired boy with green eyes, 1.85 tall, who did not disrupt his sports, his body was much higher than the children at school, there were as many girls as were dead and gone. Girls got into my arm;Of course, if your brother fucks me once, I’m willing to give my pussy, my girlhood.Oh, shut up, you pervert.The other girls were laughing;this horny horny needs to be fucked urgently.Actually, I was horny too, I wish my brother would even fuck me. At noon, our last 4 lessons were also empty. So we decided to go outside with the girls instead of standing idle in the classroom. My classmates; Melike, Arzu, Sibel, Şenay and Şenay’s boyfriend Yunus packed up and left the school. I texted my brother and informed him about the situation, they were going to lunch with a group of friends, he returned my message saying ok. While walking along the road, thinking about what to do, it’s actually hot, we wanted to go somewhere and sit down. Because we were tired of cafe-style places, Senay offered us to go home. Our parents are ready, here they are, they will make out comfortably with their lover. I understood, I said ok so as not to offend my friend, and we got on and went to our house. We bought coke, chips, disguises from the grocery store, in short. We were going to open and watch a movie together. While the girls and I prepare the food, drinks. Senay and Yunus were sitting inside. When we had everything ready, we went into the hall. Yunus hugged Şenay, they were kissing on the lips. Other girls;Whoa, brother, whoa! there are those who do not exist.Do it yourself, brother, let him be a lover, then. he said şenayYok mother, they’re all goods, what should we do, girl, actually?Oh, what do I need, my mind is at ease, my word out of parliament, of course.Well, of course, even if I had a brother like that…my other friend would pinch his arm, shut up, because Yunus is here. We sat down, we opened the movie, we were installed in our seats, we started watching. Şenay and Yunus were not standing comfortably, they were kissing constantly, Şenay was throwing his hand over his trousers to Yunus’ cock. I was watching them with the tip of my eye. That way, when they hadn’t watched the movie from making out, the first Dec was over. 2. when I was going to insert the cd, the girls started talking all the time from one mouth;what if we don’t watch it too boring, actually?Aaa was good, so what would you like to open what?Yunus entered the conversation from there. ?The girls said ohaa;Oh, brother, is it porn?Yes, and what about it? As if you don’t watch girl-on-girl? Act like I don’t exist.No, don’t be ridiculous, and we don’t have porn.I have.He took a CD out of his bag and gave it to me.Come on, let’s watch it, that’s what happens.I was looking at the girls’ faces, it was obvious from the way they wanted me to wear it;if you tell anyone, I’ll fuck you up, but just so you know.No, what’s happening here will stay here, I promise. Tak hadi.Cd i put it on. The Brazzers logo appeared, the theme was porn, the bald man johny sins appeared on the screen, there was nothing in the first minutes. What happened happened when the camera was turned to the other room. A girl was taking a black man’s cock in her mouth when she was young and our age. The girls screamed;how is Ay bune beOha taking it?Yuuuhh look at the dick. After that, their story: i will share it at and only my followers who are members of my site will be able to read the new sections. He is currently taking new sections on the site. Yunus bastard, the bastard was laughing;Whatever there are, there are also strangers, brother, if it was you, there’s no way you couldn’t even touch it.Oh, how will I touch the moon, how will it sting her, or the girl will die, In the dying minutes, the man began to put his cock on the girl’s lap, put it in her pussy, go back and forth. We were watching, engrossed with bewildered eyes.Oh, I felt nauseous… I left the room, I went to the kitchen, but I was bad, I felt strange inside. Senay came to me;Dude, can I ask you something?Of course you want what you want, bro.Can we sit in your room with Yunus?What? What are you going to do in my room?Let’s sit down for a moment, please.


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