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tatlı rüyalar şarkı sözleri I was sitting on the triple sofa watching TV. She came into the room with an ice cream ice cream in her hand and a mini dress on. He stretched out on the other end of the seat where I was sitting with his head towards me and stretched out his thin, delicate and well-groomed feet towards me. First, putting my hand at her feet, I gently stroked her and gently stroked her from the wrists upwards. But his feet were not standing comfortably, he was putting pressure on my stimulated masculinity. He slowly extended his upper foot towards my mouth. I grabbed her foot and kissed it. He was licking the ice cream in his hand in a sexy way. While stroking my manhood with his foot on my lap, he put his other foot in my mouth. I put his thumb in my mouth and started sucking. But I was sucking it the way he sucks ice cream. I was licking his feet like that while he was putting ice cream in his mouth and taking it out. She wasn’t wearing underwear in her dress. Her wet femininity was becoming apparent. When he finished his ice cream, he looked up and came towards my lap. I immediately took my shorts and my baxter down. He took my hardening manhood in his hand and put it in his mouth, which was cold but smelled of strawberries. Although I pulled myself back before the cold, it was impossible for me to resist izelin’s fleshy lips and beautiful mouth. I was stroking her hair. She had auburn and straight hair. It was swinging all the way down to his shoulders. While stroking his back and hair, it actually crossed my mind what a lucky man I am. Izel, who thought she had licked enough, straightened up and sat down on my lap. He grabbed my manhood with his hand and straightened it into his slippery and narrow femininity, and sat down in one breath. Two slippery organs became one in an instant. It was so enjoyable that I wish my manhood had been 25 cm instead of 15, but I thought I would have felt this pleasure 10 cm more.I put my hands on his escape. Her hips are not big and her skin was soft.
He grabbed my T-shirt with one hand and pulled it to himself, while with the other hand he grabbed my neck and took his fingertips to my neck. Her lips were soft and strawberry-scented. Our lips met. We were kissing while I was going back and forth on my lap and inhaling my breath on the one hand. Our breaths were in an amazing rhythm. I was breathing his breath while he was inhaling my breath. He was pouring the liquid that had accumulated in his mouth into my mouth. He didn’t cut the hairs on my manhood. As I went back and forth, my hair became even more pleasurable as I rubbed it on her clitoris. We had little moans in the room. This girl, whom every man looked at with a sigh when walking on the street, had become my woman now. I think I am the luckiest man in the world.I was helping her to move her hips back and forth, where I gently passed my fingertips. He stopped kissing and leaned into my ear. Izel was coming now. After going back and forth a few more times, her contractions started. When her vagina, which was already narrow, contracted, I became very tacric and I emptied my sperm into her vagina. Semen and pleasure juice were seeping from my manhood into my ovaries. I closed my eyes and was enjoying the pleasure of the izel squeezing and releasing the vaginal muscle while shrinking inside my organ. When I opened my eyes, he was looking at me with his light brown eyes and laughing. He said stupid.. am I in love with the shape your face takes when you orgasm?i was in love with you too, izel.. i’m in love with you too, and I’ll never leave you, little brother??So how did we get started?.how does a person start fucking his own brother?.My first year at university was over. Istanbul started to seem boring to me because the friends I agreed with were usually out of town. While I was taking a temporary job for myself, I was also looking for something to linger on.

Izel, on the other hand, had finished high school and was waiting for the exam results. She had become a tall, straight-built girl with light auburn full lips and beautiful skin. Between us, an older brother had never gone further than a brother. Dec.. as far as jasmine..Jasmine, who lives two buildings ahead of us, was probably 1 year older than me. Artificial blonde ( I never knew her real hair color ) was a girl with white skin, slightly wide hips, artificial lips, flashy and likes to take care of herself. The only thing missing from her body was that her breasts were a little small. She usually wears tights and tight jeans,but when she went to the grocery store and grocery store, she was a slut who showed all her body contours when she went out in pajamas at home. I say he was a slut, but I hadn’t heard anything about him from anyone in our neighborhood. Everyone was just staring and fantasizing. But my brother Izel never liked him at all, he used to say that he was one with rich and married men, they financed expensive clothes and accessories on him.I saw him sitting on the balcony. Hanging out with him was actually fun for me,and if we went through something, I would have gained experience. I didn’t have much experience other than making out with a few escorts and a few girls. One day when he went to the grocery store, I ran behind him.we exchanged greetings and started a conversation. When he said he was looking for a job and was very bored or something, I said don’t ask at all.. i’m in the same situation. I don’t even have a friend to go for a trip, I said they’re all out of town. He smiled and said should we take courage from this and take advantage of our free time.. as two friends.. maybe, grandpa, which was a yes..
i took your phone.. and we started texting. A few days later, we went to the cinema and had coffee on the way out.. as we talked, I was giving izele the right. Even when he was sitting with me, his eyes were popping out and he was always talking about a luxurious life. But these things did not matter to me. My goal was different.. A few days later, I completely exaggerated my courtship of jasmine. I was saying that I was very impressed with him, that I was thinking about him all the time and stuff. Izel had intercepted these messages. Brother, are you an idiot?. are you a commodity.. he started screaming what are you doing with that slut. Do you think, girl, that I’m interfering with you?. don’t interfere, otherwise I asked if the time would pass in this hot istanbul. Calling him a jerk, he threw down the phone and went to his room. He didn’t talk to me for a few days. Even though he spoke later, there was always a coldness.until that day?I convinced jasmine, who could not stand my insistence, to come home. Mom and Dad were already working and Izel was going to go for a trip with her friends that day. The house was empty until 7 p.m. She came in a short dress, jasmine.she had put heavy makeup on her face again. We watched TV, had a cold drink, and I got better and better. I started kissing their silicone nanny. He was hitting back at me. Then my hand went to her breasts. As he caressed, he kissed my lips as if he were biting. I was so aroused. I took his hand and put it on my manhood. I was about to cum, but there was no problem. I threw a cialis so that my inexperience would not surface, for support purposes. While my hand was running through her hair, my other hand was slowly stroking her legs. 20 Of his knees. I was on top of you about cm. When my hand went between my legs towards her panties, I felt the wetness. Dec. And at that time I came. He smiled.. what happened, he said.. i said you’re so sexy that I could take this long. He liked it. My hand was still on her panties. He pretended to push my hand away. But I didn’t take it. Shh, I’m just touching it, I said relax. Then we started kissing again, I put my hand inside her panties..

he said don’t do it..he said he was a virgin.. but she whistled so much and her vagina lips were so wide that I guessed she was lying, even though I had no experience. Don’t worry, he said, I’ll just touch it. I was stroking her clitoris. He had thoroughly enjoyed it. I put my finger in that wet hole and she gave a little scream. He looked into my eyes.. it’s like what did you do.. when I touched it, I realized that it was not a girl. After that minute, the movie broke off. After doing my finger back and forth a little, I stood up. I took off my top with a snap and I was naked. Then I knelt down in front of jasmine and spread her legs. I reached my hand through her dress and pulled out her panties. And I buried my mouth in your honey box. The sour taste was coming to my tongue. Her inner lips were a little big and droopy, and that made her licking great. One of my fingers was in it. I put the other one in her ass hole and was stroking the area that was slippery with liquid from her vagina. I was in a state of incredible erection. Before long, jasmine ejaculated into my mouth. I was almost about to cum myself. I stood up and stretched my manhood into the jasmine’s mouth. I took her wet panties in my mouth and started sucking and sniffing.Did he grab it right by the root and put it in his mouth??Izel, who caught my messages, alerted our neighbor across the street and said let me know if Jasmine enters our house. When he saw that Oda yesem had entered our building and informed izel, izel also ran and came home? at the best moment of the saxon, when you’re thinking about whether I should cum in your mouth, what are you doing, youzz!! We were stunned by a call. When I turned around and looked, Izel was filming us with a phone in her hand. Jasmine got up with a scream and ran out of the house without putting on her underwear. I was in my panties in front of my brother with an amazing erection.
What are you doing, give it to me, I walked on top of my brother shouting. He started to run away, but there wasn’t much of a place to run in the house, and I caught him right away. I was trying to take the phone away from him. And she was trying to hide it from me by putting the phone on her stomach in black tights and a T-shirt. I hugged him from behind. My manhood was rubbing against your ass through your tights, and I was rubbing involuntarily on the one hand while I was trying to pick up the phone with nervous ambition. And it was giving pleasure. I started wrestling in the middle of the hall. The last time I laid him on his back and took the phone from his hand in the missionary position. He was saying get off me, you pervert abza, but he wasn’t using any driving force. When I looked, I realized that he didn’t take us on camera. He faked it. I was surprised. He had turned his back on me again when he was trying to escape. So when I started rubbing on her thigh, I couldn’t stand it too much, I ejaculated into her tights, butt and calf in an amazing way. He stopped for a moment. He put his hand behind his back and touched my semen. He got up without saying anything and went to his room. I’m still joking about what happened. What I had been through for an hour. As I thought about it, and under the influence of the drug, I became stiff again. Izel had entered the bathroom. After 10 minutes, I Decamped to the bathroom. When she opened the shower stall, she let out a scream. She was soapy and naked. It was incredibly sexy. But that was the first time I noticed it. He said get out.


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